VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE has expanded its support with an online offering that provides customers with detailed information on functionality and data maintenance for Spaix software solutions.
Archive 2022
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The Spaix PumpExchanger allows the pump exchange by linking old pumps to current pump models. the user receives one or more suggestions for new pumps, which can be directly selected and configured. The performance curves of old and new pumps can be directly visualized and compared in the diagram.
The Spaix EngineSizer is used for the selection and configuration of pumps driven by a combustion engine, which makes it ideal for the design of aggregates where no electrical connection is available or cannot be used for availability reasons. Possible applications range from construction site use through watering tasks in agriculture up to fire protection systems. The supplementary program is indispensable for pumps that are available with different motor variants.
The Spaix TestnormConverter allows the conversion of the pump performance curve to another acceptance tolerance. Furthermore, the conversion factor is defined for each pump model to upgrade the curve according to the BEP.
The calculation module Spaix TurbinePumpSizer considers the pressure losses in the rising pipe as well as the power losses of the bearing frame while sizing and dimensioning vertical line shaft pumps, including the sizing of the drive as well as the required components.
The add-on Spaix SpareSelector provides a powerful platform for the search and selection of spare parts, which can be carried out independent of the product via the catalog selection or dependent of a selected pump or unit. In addition, the program also offers the user the possibility of direct selection by entering the item number or spare part description.
Spaix Mobile is especially suitable on the go, for instance on business trips, at trade fairs or for situations in which a fast solution for a certain application case is needed. The selection is done quickly without a computer by using a smartphone. The created projects are stored in a central database which enables to edit the project later on with the Web or Desktop version by different employees.
This module is used for the sizing of fire-fighting pump systems according to NFPA 20 including verification of NFPA 20 limits during the selection process, marking of NFPA 20 specific points in the diagram, automatic curve cutting according to runout head and motor sizing to cover the curve range until 1.5 Q.
During the hydraulic selection the user is offered the possibility to adapt the speed using frequency converters. As a result of an automatic speed adaption the program automatically selects the allocated frequency converter and displays the respective duty chart.