Spaix® Classic V2 – New Powerful Software Tools
At the International Pump Users Forum in Karlsruhe, Germany from September 29-30, 2004, VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE will introduce the new powerful software tools, which make Spaix – the Classic among pump selection software – a veritable multi talent in technical software.
The pump selection software Spaix V2 is unique in its variety of functions. Its complex selection algorithms on the one hand guarantee a highly efficient configuration of centrifugal pumps. On the other hand it also includes functions for curve corrections according to the motor performance, LCC calculation and even commercial tasks like quote preparations are managed.
At this year’s Pump Users Forum VSX will introduce its latest product expansions that make working with the Spaix product family more effective than ever. Two of the most important developments are the Spaix ProjectAdapter and the Spaix CurveAnalyzer.
The Spaix ProjectAdapter is a universal data exchange module to connect to SAP software and other ERP-systems. By integrating Spaix in your existing IT systems double entries become unnecessary. Consequently you save time and avoid mistakes. Through a project interface the data are exported to the ERP/CAS-systems and are stored there. This, for example, improves the data exchange between headquarters and distribution centers because product information is updated only once and made available to all distributors at the same time. Two formats are offered for the data exchange: either a text based format like XML or Excel tables can be used.
The Spaix CurveAnalyzer – the professional performance curve editing program supports the entire process – from generating to using the curve. This way the software creates the basis for company-wide unitary documentations – from the pump selection all the way to the catalogue.
As all other products by VSX-VOGEL SOFTWARE, the Spaix CurveAnalyzer has a multilingual user interface and a user defined system of units. To import or export data, the in house developed CEF format as well as XML can be used. Moreover, performance chart graphics can be saved as files or made available for usage in other programs through the clipboard. The data can then be used in the Spaix Classic pump selection program and to generate catalogues. The modular design of the Spaix CurveAnalyzer makes it possible to completely integrate it into existing software.
If you would like to know more then come and see the VSX booth B7 at the Congress Centre. An advisor team is awaiting you.
For further information please contact:
Robert-Blum-Str. 3
01139 Dresden
Tel.: ++49 (0)351 899 510
Fax: ++ 49 (0)351 899 5111
VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE is the specialist for software and Internet solution for the pump industry. The company develops applications to select and configure components and systems such as pumps, valves and pipes. These software solutions mainly serve pump manufacturers and pump users to optimize business processes by combining technical configurations with commercial aspects such as price calculation and project management.
The Company, which was founded in 1995 with headquarters in Dresden, Germany is the market leader in pump selection software and has world wide business relations to companies with focus on the pump and chemical industry. The world’s largest pump manufacturers like ABS, EBARA, ITT Industries, KSB, and Wilo-Salmson are among its clients.

For further information please contact:
Ms. Alexandra Klengel
Marketing Specialist
Tel.: +49 (351) 89951-15
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