Spaix V2 Brochures in 5 Languages
The product information as well as the demo version of the Spaix V2 PumpSelector by VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE is now available in 5 languages.
Besides the English and German version there are a French, Italian and Spanish document available.
The standard Spaix version is offered in five languages and has already been developed in 25 localized versions. Linguistically seen, that nearly covers the European and the American regions completely.
The pump selection software distinguishes itself through its unique functional diversity and the excellent cost-benefit relation. Because of the clear license structure with a fixed price base, the customers are able to calculate the exact software costs from the very beginning.
The new brochures are available for download at the manufacturer’s website or can be ordered as a printed version as well. ,

Ms. Alexandra Klengel
Marketing Specialist
Tel.: +49 (351) 89951-15
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