VSX Organizes Spaix User Conference in Dresden, Germany
In April 2011 VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE invites clients and prospective customers to the 1. Spaix User Conference taking place in Dresden, Germany. The user-related symposium offers a unique platform for the individual exchange of experiences. Besides special operations and applications of the Spaix software solutions also current trends from industry and research will be discussed.
The Spaix User Conference takes place from 12 to 13 April 2011 and offers a unique platform for the exchange of experiences, not only for versed users of the pump sales system Spaix but also for interested companies being not familiar with Spaix. Besides the discussion of user-related topics around the software, industry-relevant trends and research approaches will be presented by external scientists. As a special highlight the latest Spaix product line will be presented to the public for the first time within the scope of the event.
Main target groups of the event are manufacturers of centrifugal pumps and users within the fluid handling industry, the chemical industry, the process and plant engineering industry as well as trading companies. The lecture contents are designed for executives and specialized engineers. Lectures concerning concrete Spaix applications offer informative impulses for Spaix users as well as prospective customers.
Interesting Lecture Topics of Several Categories
The varied lecture contents offer detailed information from the categories „Spaix integration“, „IT“, „Data maintenance“ as well as „Engineering, current trends and research approaches“. VSX employees demonstrate cases of specific applications using the Spaix software that are inspired by requests and proposals of Spaix users. Moreover, attendees have the possibility of a direct discussion with the speaker after every lecture.
The user-related topics are complemented by the signing of two top referees from independent and renowned research facilities who are presenting current trends from science and research. “We are very pleased that we could engage Prof. Dr.-Ing. Leon Urbas from Dresden University of Technology as well as Dr.-Ing. Heiko Werdin from ITG – Institute for Building Systems Engineering Dresden as guest speakers“, Jens-Uwe Vogel, Managing Director of VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE, explains. „Professor Urbas presents current research approaches in the field engineering of procedural plants. Dr. Werdin will show possibilities of the life cycle costs optimization for pumps in building services engineering by using simulations of different regulations. Both topics are a perfect addition to the user-related lectures and will give our attendees interesting and pioneering impulses from science and research”, Jens-Uwe Vogel continues.
The Dialogue in the Focus of the Event
Within the scope of the event all attendees have the possibility to personally contact software developers, data specialists as well as the VSX management in order to discuss current questions in a direct dialogue. The event is also focusing on the dialogue between clients and/or prospective customers to exchange experiences with Spaix. Furthermore, all speakers are available for questions within the scope of the panel discussion at the end of the second day.
The event will be rounded off by an interesting and various evening program at the end of the first day. Planned are a historical sightseeing tour and a conference dinner in a pleasant atmosphere.
The Spaix User Conference takes place from 12 to 13 April 2011 in Elbflorenz Dresden Hotel, Dresden, Germany. Interested companies can inform about the event on the Internet at www.spaixuserconference.net and register via the provided online registration form.

VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE organizes in April 2011 the Spaix User Conference, a user-related symposium for Spaix users and interested companies. (Image: VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE GmbH)
For further information please contact:
Ms. Alexandra Klengel
Marketing Specialist
Tel.: +49 (351) 89951-15
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